Monday, January 26, 2009

Its been a while.

I thought it might be a good time to update the blog.
James is doing a lot better... in the words of one of our great friends; "He has improved SO MUCH!... He has gone from here to here (imagine her stretching her hands as far apart as possible). Needless to say, he is doing a lot better. I think he feels better most days but he still has a lot of back & neck pain.

Lets see... Me, I'm doing OK. I've started working with people outside of my 8-5 job on graphics, newsletters and getting Government Contracts. I have two clients and am making an extra $50 each month from one and am trading my time for a new computer with the other! Its really kind of cool. Who knows, maybe a new road ahead for me.

James and I are both still waiting for the results of the medical board in Washington DC to decide how disabled he is so we know what kind of package he is going to get for his medical retirement. Its hard to make plans until we know how much we are going to be able to count on each month from the Department of Defense. Once we know though we will look at going to school. Both of us. I want to finish my BA and he would be getting started with an AA at first. I really can't wait to get going with this and to start the next chapter of our lives, we just have to wait for now.

He started making beer lately and has been really enjoying it. We have already been able to sample some of them and they are good. I think they will only get better the more he makes and as he grows some patience and lets them age. :)

The puppies are doing great. They are trouble makers as usual but nothing compared to our new nephew puppy, Gus. (Rachael & Matt's new Lab puppy.) He is too cute but a ball of energy and my three year old's are just not built to keep up with someone with twice the length in legs and easily triple the energy. I'm sure they will all have more fun together once Gus grows up a little.

So all in all we are doing fine. Nothing too exciting yet but there are great things to come. :)