Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The New Adventures of James and Amber

So its been a while... James and I have both experienced unemployment and reemployment in the past year or so. Ho-ray! well sort of. I now have a job that I am excited about and James is going to college. It isn't much but I feel like we might be on the right track for the first time in a while.

Here's to a great 2011. I can't wait to see what the new year brings.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I know we are all talking about healthcare. I had a thought today while eating lunch with a co-worker. Why, oh why are our lawmakers trying to change the whole healthcare system all at once? Wouldn't it be better to fix one problem at a time? Maybe we should just focus on helping those who are so called un-insurable. Make healthcare available to everyone. And when I say available I mean make it possible for them or their employer to purchase. We also need to encourage those who are insurable to purchase insurance.

Once everyone can get coverage we can move on to making the insurance that people have work better. Meaning that the care people need is covered without bankrupting the patient's family. I don't know exactly how to do this, I am not an expert in insurance payments or healthcare. My common sense tells me that there are experts out there, patients, insurance billing specialists, hospital administrators and doctors with relevant experiences. It seems like we are relying on our lawmakers to solve this problem but they are not experts nor are their aids. I believe they are probably asking for help but only ceremoniously. There has to be a way for these experts to come together in a meaningful way to help solve this problem.

Now that everyone can get coverage and it is taking care of the needs of patients we can work on getting the country healthier. I'm talking preventative maintenance. We do it for our cars why not our bodies. Lets reward people for going to their physicals, having their teeth cleaned, going to the gym and eating right. We should also give people the tools to do this, access to information on good nutrition, good exercise habits and what is expected of them as patients.

We as Americans also need to take some personal responsibility in our own healthcare. The information is out there, we just need to go and find it. We need to ask questions of our doctors and do a little research. Make a commitment to eat veggies and take vitamins and exercise, even if it is just taking the dog for a walk. This is fixable. We just need to take it one step at a time.

What do you think?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Year

So the new year brought a new job. I like it and hope it will become a permanent position soon. I also started running. I don't like it but I also hope it will become a permanent event in my days. I do like the way I feel and that I am sleeping really well. I also love my new iPhone holder too. James is working really hard to find a great new job.

I'm also very excited because my very good friend Andrea married our other good friends Jeremy last month. I can't wait for the reception. The new year has started out well and we are hoping that it will only get better.